Chitral Valley – Beautiful Places to Visit, and Live in Pakistan

Chitral Valley - 2016

Chitral Valley Click here to see the Complete Gallery of Chitral-Valley Chitral also spelled as Chetrar, is the capital of the Chitral District, situated in the Hindukush range of Mountains and on the western bank of the Chitral River (also called Kunar River), in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. The town is at the foot of Tirich Mir, the […]

Karamber Lake

Karamber Lake - July 2010

Karamber Lake – Beautiful Lakes in Pakistan Click here to See the Complete Gallery Karamber Lake is a high altitude lake located in Ishkomen, a Tehsil of District Ghizer in Gilgit–Baltistan, near the boundary of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. While some other studies by WWF mention the location in Broghil Valley of Chitral, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is […]

Broghil Valley – Valleys in Chitral, Pakistan

Broghil Valley - July 2014

Broghil Valley Click here to See the Complete Gallery The Northern Areas of Pakistan without a doubt have one of the world’s most stunning valleys and their grandeur cannot be explained by words alone. Broghil Valley is one such place among them, whose dotted wetlands, green fields, superb wildlife and extensive glaciers all leave one […]

Shandur – A Beautiful Top, Mountain Pass and a Charming Lake – Pakistan

Shandur Top - June 2014

Shandur Top,  Pass & Lake – Shan-Dur Valley – The Roof of the World See Complete Gallery of Shundur Shandur is mostly famous due to its Polo Festival, Shandoor Pass and Shundur Lake. All these make this valley the unforgettable and mesmerizing. Shandur Top (el. 12,200 feet (3,700 m)) located in Chitral District. It is often called […]

Lowari Top / Pass & Lowari Tunnel – Beautiful Top Pass in Pakistan

Lowari Top - May 2015

Lowari Top / Pass & Lowari Tunnel Click here to see the complete Gallery of Lovari-Pass & Tunnel Lowari Pass (or Lowari Top) (el. 10,230 ft.) is a high mountain pass that connects Chitral with Dir in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.  The Lowari Top is one of the four major mountain passes to enter Chitral. The others are the […]