Kalam – Birth place of Swat River & Most Beautiful Sub-Valley of Swat

Kalam Valley

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Kalam valley, a spacious sub valley, is the most beautiful part of the Swat valley. It is a land of water falls, lakes, meadows, pastures, site of hiking and glaciers. The Valley is surrounded by lush green mountains, covered with thick forests and vegetation, a diverse and oldest cultural values to witness and above all the friendly people.

Kalaam 2070 m high and 99 km from Mingora and 29 kilometres (18 mi) from Bahrain and about 2,000 metres (6,600 feet) above sea level. The valley opens out, providing rooms for a small but fertile plateau above the Swat river.

It is the brith place of Swat River. Ushu River and Utrot/Gabral river joins to form the Swat river. Here, the metalled road ends and shingle road leads to the Ushu and Utrot valleys.  There are a lot of grand hotels in Kalaam, where one can stay for night and enjoy the cool breeze of Swat river.

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Confluence of Ushu River and Utror RiverGabral RiverKalaamKalamKalam ValleyUshu RiverUtror River