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- Deosai (August 2015)
- River Hunza from Minapin Nagar (August 2015)
River Hunza as seen from Minapin Nagar near Diran Guest House, Clicked the shot while roaming around the area after sunrise last August. We had made a stop at the guesthouse as we were to start our trek to Tagaphari later that morning.It was a beautiful sight to behold with the river peacefully flowing in the valley's midst and birds chirping their soulful songs in our ears with not a single soul in sight except for my bestie. All in all that little stroll was totally pleasing to all our senses and rightly too. - Saiful Malook (May 2015)
Beautiful Frozen Lake Saif Ul Malook, Picture captured by me during my last year visit to Naran vally in month of May. - Soon Valley (November 2015)
Somewhere in Soon Valley, Punjab, Pakistan - from Rama Lake (August 2015)
Awesome View From Rama Lake - Hushe Village (2015)
Hushe Valley - Hushe Valley (2015)
Unknown Peak in Hushe Valley - towards Nanga Parbat (September 2015)
Enroute - Khunjrab Pass (September 2015)
View of KKH from Pak-China boarder, Khunjrab pass. - Karambar Lake (August 2014)
Luck counts a lot to witness such Glory because weather is very unpredictable there. - SiriPaya (2014)
Siri Paye - from Makra Peak (2013)
From top of makra peak winter 2013 - Fairy Meadows Trek (July 2015)
Fairy meadows track .... And a view of Nanga Parbet (killer mountain) - Concordia (2014)
Concordia - Arang Kel (June 2014)
first sight of arang khel in june 2014 a piece of heaven on earth