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- Saiful Malook (June 2015)
Lake Saif ul Malook In June 2015 - (Shuantir Valley (2015)
Yasin Valley - One Gem on Earth. - Gorak Hill Station (March 2015)
A live view that i have never seen before. Gorak Hill Station - Zero Point - towards Taobut (July 2015)
towards Taobut - Khanpur (2012)
Khanpur - Krithar (March 2016)
Kirthar National Park.. Umair Vadria's Patrol - Krithar National Park (March 2016)
Kirthar National Park, Sindh 5th march 2016, Photo courtesy Ibaad Lari.. - Arrang Kel (2013)
Arrang Kel, Azad Kashmir - ArrangKel (2013)
Arnagkel 2013 - ArrangKel (June 2013)
Arrangkel, Green Mountains, Green Valley, Snow Covered Peaks - ArrangKel (February 2016)
snow covered #arangkel pic taken during Muzaffarabad Jeep Club snow expedition 2016 in Feb - Neelum River (June 2015)
River neelum june 2015 - Saiful Malook (October 2015)
A few moments into the wildness and I witnessed this extravaganza of nature. Beyond Lake Saif-ul-Malook - ArrangKel (June 2015)
Good Morning from Arang Kel. A Shot way back from June 2015 - Arrang Kel (April 2016)
Arang Kel (April, 2016), And zis iz ze beauty in winter!!